Facebook guys have done brilliant job in the new version of the app. The similar open source code can be found from here - JTRevealSidebarDemo. Please note that as of June 2014, this project has been discontinued, so you'll probably have better luck with a project from the list below.

It reveals technique behind doing split view for iPhone.

Edit: Few other open source codes:

  1. JWSlideMenu
  2. DDMenuController
  3. PKRevealController
  4. ViewDeck
  5. ECSlidingViewController
  6. MWFSlideNavigationViewController
  7. MFSideMenu
  8. SASlideMenu
  9. HHTabListController
  10. MTSlideViewController
  11. MTStackViewController
  12. MMDrawerController
  13. DMSideMenuController
  14. JVFloatingDrawer

How about projects with storyboard compatibility? I found 1 more slide menu which is compatible with storyboards: SASlideMenu

Another storyboard-compatible menu is ECSlidingViewController and ViewDeck from Sagar's answer. They both have storyboard examples (for the last one link is ViewDeckStoryboardExample)

For anyone else looking for an Android version, take a look at:

  • android fb like slideout navigation
  • emerging ui pattern side navigation

I realize you asked about facebook, but now that ios7 is out, and this is the defacto thread i thought id post here.

For an effect similar to the kindle app on ios7 you can use:


If anyone else is looking for a way to implement this in MonoTouch now known as Xamarin.ios, take a look at this article I just found. monotouch slide out navigation


I just found that they have a free component for this! flyoutnavigation