Terminal Actived Push Notification Utility for OS X and iOS?

I am basically wondering if there is any tool(s) that can generate a push notifications on OS X and/or iOS from terminal entries. Idea here is you could connect via SSH and make a custom push notification like "WiFi is turning off in 5 Minutes" or "Go to bed!" (lol) appear. Anyone have ideas? My iOS device is jailbroken, hence OpenSSH is installed.

Solution 1:

OS X Server integrates nicely for push notifications using APNS, but it's more focused on mail and chat notifications as opposed to sending generic notifications like a turn based game server.

It would get your Apple ID approved and be a very nice first step towards getting APNS to be ready to listen to commands from a Mac.

Here is a nice step by step article on setting up push notifications:

  • http://krypted.com/mac-os-x/enable-push-notifications-in-os-x-mountain-lion-server/

From there, you could use a chat hosted from your Mac as opposed to using iMessage (messages app on iOS to get messages sent with push notifications).