Taylor series for different points... how do they look?

Solution 1:

...The best way would be showing me how it looks for different $a$ on a graph.

The others have done (most of) the math; I'll do the cartoons:


Taylor polynomials for e^x


Taylor polynomials for 1/(1-x)


Taylor polynomials for ln(1+x)


Taylor polynomials for arctan(x)


Taylor polynomials for sin(x)

Note that the polynomials (except for the horizontal constant function) are "tangent" to the original function at the expansion point (shown in red above). That's sort of the idea: these polynomials are the unique $p$-th degree polynomials that have $p+1$-fold contact with the function being approximated.

Solution 2:

If you do a Taylor series around $0$ (also called a MacLaurin series) it looks like $f(x)=b_0+b_1x+b_2x^2+\ldots$. If you do it around $a$ it looks like $f(x)=b_0+b_1(x-a)+b_2(x-a)^2+\ldots$. The expansion is generally more accurate the closer $x$ is to the expansion point.