Fuzzy Arial font on Windows, clearer on Linux

Solution 1:

Completely disabling Cleartype will make the fonts look even more ugly. The hinting settings must be altered.

On my monitor, the Windows 7 screenshot looks better.

Anyway, here is the difference:

enter image description here

The above text is the Linux variant with antialiasing enabled and full hinting. The lower sample is the Windows variant. You can set that in Linux as antialiasing with slight hinting. Usually, on LCD screens the Windows variant looks better.

I don't know if in Windows you can make this setting. At least you could look at this (applies only to WPF applications).

Solution 2:

Solved it by setting registry entry HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Control Panel > Desktop > FontSmoothing to value 1. Now the fonts look as in Microsoft Windows XP, sharper, clearer, readable (although they are not the same as in Linux, but still they are a lot more readable).