What non-flash abilities can get you out of Jarvan IV's ultimate?

Solution 1:

Just wanted to make a list on my own, but then I found this:

Jarvan's Ultimate = Impassable Terrain

Guess this should answer the question. But credits to the thread opener from the LoL Board!

As requested in the comments here the list copied from the link above. Still all credits for this list belong to the Thread opener King Gary IV out of the LoL Forum EU West.

  • Ahri's Spirit Fire
  • Akali's Shadow Dash
  • Alistar's Headbutt
  • Amumu's Bandage Toss
  • Caitlyn's 90 Caliber Net
  • Corki's Valkyrie
  • Ezreal's Arcane shift
  • Fiora's Lunge or Blade Waltz
  • Fizz's Playful/Trickster
  • Gragas's Body Slam
  • Graves's Quickdraw
  • Hecarim's Devastating Charge
  • Irelia's Bladesurge
  • Jax's Leap Strike
  • Kennen's Lightning Rush
  • Kassadin's Riftwalk
  • Katarina's Shunpoo
  • Kha'zix's Leap
  • LeBlanc's Distortion
  • LeeSin's Safeguard/Sonic Wave
  • Leona's Zenith Blade
  • Lulu's Wild Growth
  • Malphite's Unstoppable Force
  • Maokai's Twisted Advance
  • Master Yi's Alpha Strike
  • Nautilus's Dredge Line
  • Nidalee's Pounce
  • Nocturne's Paranoia
  • Pantheon's Aegis of Ziona
  • Poppy's Heroic Charge
  • Renekton's Slice & Dice
  • Riven's Broken Wings
  • Sejuani's Artic Assault
  • Shaco's Deceive
  • Shen's Shadow Dash
  • Shyvana's Dragon's Descent
  • Talon's Cutthroat
  • Tristana's RocketJump
  • Tryndamere's Spinning Slash
  • Twisted Fate's Destiny
  • Urgot's Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser
  • Vayne's Tumble
  • Warwick's Infinity Duress
  • Wukong's Nimbus Strike
  • Xin Zhao's Audacious Charge
  • Zigg's Satchel Charge

Also if Jarvan ulties and you ghost, you'll keep on running through it like nothing happened because Catacalysm is basically coded like 'a wall of minions' just like with Anivia's Wall.

Solution 2:

Anything that has can displace you over the wall can get you out of Jarvan's Cataclysm.

Some examples are:

  • Corki's w: Valkyrie
  • Ezreal's E: Arcane Shift
  • Caitlyn's E: 90 Caliber Net
  • Gragas's E: Body Slam
  • Maplhite's R: Unstoppable Force
  • Jax's Q: Leap Strike (if used on an enemy on the outside of the wall)

These are not all of the possible skills/champions who can escape Jarvan's Cataclysm, there are certainly more.