IrfanView Linux alternative? [duplicate]
I'm looking for some Linux alternative to IrfanView (image viewer). At best, it should have all its features, the same controls (both mouse and kbd) or fully adjustable, and be as quick.
In particular (this list covers 95 % of my use cases):
- Support for many formats, for both input and output
- Automatic navigation through the directory with Space and Backspace
- Thumbnails (T)
- Batch processing (B)
- Rotating (R, L)
- Zoom with Ctrl + mouse wheel or + / -
- Fullscreen (Enter)
- Image movement with PgUp and PgDn, Home. End
- Select a rectagle with a mouse -> Ctrl + Y to crop -> Ctrl + S to save as a PNG file
- Basic image editation - copy, cut, paste, color filters, text input, basic shapes
- Immediate startup
- No need to play video or audio
Etc... IrfanView is something like iPhone amongst image viewers, there's nothing to change ;-)
So - what is as close as possible?
Edit: No virtualization please - IrfanView crashes under Wine in my environment; running virtualized Windows is even further away from being quick; perhaps it could be Java, but native is native.
Solution 1:
ImageMagick has an interactive mode, but I've never liked it... But it definitely will load almost every image format out there.
gThumb is very slick, but it's a GNOME tool so it's not littered with options.
Eye of GNOME is just a dumb viewer, but it does most of the navigation stuff, and I think there's a "click to edit" option.
Solution 2:
The IrfanView web site suggests that you can use IrfanView on Linux under WINE.
IrfanView is something like iPhone amongst image viewers, there's nothing to change.
Try it! You'll never find an exact, drop-in replacement, so why not use the real thing?
You could also run IrfanView in virtualized instance of Windows on your Linux host.
Solution 3:
xnview has a beta MP verison. YMMV
I've used this on Windows, but prefer IrFanView