Which application causes to invoke MDM.exe(Machine Debug Manager)?? How can I disable it?

Everytime I start-up my PC(Windows 7 x64) the MDM.exe is listed under "Processes" tab of Task manager... Located in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MDM.EXE

Unless there is a bug, no need for debugging..

enter image description here

Q1.What's the need for this official Microsoft's machine debug manager?
Q2.If MDM is invoked then how to find what invoked it? and why?
Q3.How can I completely disable it so that it can't be launched up? and thus no need to go to task manager to end this process manually.

Solution 1:

It is used to help troubleshoot scripting errors in Internet Explorer. It can be disabled by doing the following;

  1. Open IE.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. Select Internet Options.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Select the Disable script debugging check box.
  6. Click OK.

enter image description here