Personal Document Management [closed]

How do you store, maintain, search and index documents, manuals and personal notes?

I, as a programmer regular collect api documentation, manuals, articles, code snippets and programming related documents (pdf, doc, ....). How to other programmers handle this situation?

I would like to setup a personal document management strategy on linux.

I just dump them in folders somewhere and let Beagledead handle them.

Beagle website dead.
Last archived copy: Source code at

I use a private TWiki web on my webserver. TWiki is available as a "managed application" from my hosting provider; all I've had to do has been to customize it to my liking. But I know from experience it's also pretty straightforward to install by hand.

That way the information's available to me anywhere - not just on the computer I happen to be using right now. And it works regardless if my current machine is running Linux, Windows, Macintosh, BSD, or UNIX... or anything else for that moment, so long as it has a "modern" browser.

  • TWiki topics can have attachments so that covers PDF format documentation.
  • TWiki topics can have links to web pages anywhere so that covers URL references.
  • TWiki topics can have embedded iframes so you can get straight to the content of other pages.
  • TWiki topics can have embedded html content as well as creole-ish wiki markup.
  • And of course TWiki's got great searching capabilities as well.

    There's nothing quite like knowing all that information is safely stored off on my website; my hard drive could crash out today and I'd be back in business by tonight.