Listing the largest files on disk in Windows
I'm after a list of the largest files on a windows box, i.e. Not just in one folder, but anywhere on the disk. Is there any easy way of getting this?
Do a windows search on you windows drive with "*" joker that mean all file, and specify a minimum size let's say of 40mb, than you'll have every file on you system drive that are larger than 40mb.
Hope this help.
Check out this app: WinDirStat
This will show you graphically as well as a hierarchy/tree map. This software is free and open source (GPL) and works really well.
Install PowerShell. Then run this:
dir c:\ -recurse -erroraction silentlycontinue | sort length -descending | select -first 20
That'll give you back the top 20 largest files on C:
If you are doing this regularly, you might look at tools like TreeSize Pro or SizeExplorer (although the latter seems to nob be as recent).