Copy data from multiple MS Word files to Excel using VBA

Solution 1:

I have tested it. It actually works works well. Several points to have in mind before using the current version of the code:

  1. It should be added to Word VBA, not Excel or other (this might be the reason why you received the "object required" error).
  2. It processes just .docx
  3. It processes all actual MS Word tables, not pictures that might look like tables.

I have slightly modified the code to make it a bit more readable, at least for me, coming from the Excel VBA world. Your should always use Option Explicit!

Option Explicit

Sub Word_tables_from_many_docx_to_Excel()
Dim myPath As String, myFile As String, myText As String
Dim xlRow As Long, xlCol As Long
Dim t As Table
Dim r As Row
Dim c As Cell
Dim xl As Object
 Set xl = CreateObject("excel.application")

 xl.Visible = True

 'Here put your path where you have your documents to read:
 myPath = "C:\Temp\"  'End with '\'
 myFile = Dir(myPath & "*.docx")

 xlRow = 1
 Do While myFile <> ""
 Documents.Open myPath & myFile

  For Each t In ActiveDocument.Tables
     For Each r In t.Rows
        xlCol = 1
        For Each c In r.Range.Cells
           myText = c.Range.Text
           myText = Replace(myText, Chr(13), "")
           myText = Replace(myText, Chr(7), "")
           xl.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(xlRow, xlCol) = myText
           xlCol = xlCol + 1
        Next c
        xl.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(xlRow, xlCol + 1) = myFile
        xlRow = xlRow + 1
     Next r
     xlRow = xlRow + 1
  Next t

  ActiveWindow.Close False

 myFile = Dir

End Sub