Word that describes people who are easily impressed?

Solution 1:

Consider susceptible ("likely to be affected by something", "easily influenced or tricked; credulous" and "(medicine) especially sensitive, especially to a stimulus"); and also consider impressionable ("Susceptible of impression; capable of receiving impressions; emotional"). An "impressionable person" may be someone on whom it's easy to make an impression, or may be someone at a formative stage such that impressions will last. Note, making an impression on someone can differ from impressing them.

Solution 2:

Gullible, naive, guileless, ingenuous and unsuspecting might get close, but I doubt if there's any single word that specifically captures the 'easily impressed' sense.

Solution 3:

Credulous is not quite right (too easily believe things rather than are impressed by them) but may work depending on what the situation is you are trying to describe.

Solution 4:

I would add indiscriminate and fawning, the second especially for those already familiar with the subject they are impressed by. The is also a sense in which generous applies.