Clean reinstall SQL Server Management Studio

There is absolute no need to reinstall SSMS or VS. Just find the VS shell installer in the folder, where SSMS installer unpacks its files:


and install it.

Yahooo!! I fixed it!

I found this link and at the very bottom "Wael" wrote the following:

SSMS Depends on Visual Studio 2010 IDE, which if not installed the SQL Server Setup will do, but if any version is present, the setup will ignore it, even at repair

Re Install, I figured that the SSMS needs Visual Studio 10 IDE to run, which I've removed by mistake after uninstalling VS 2010.

So, I Opened the Setup Media and searched for Visual Studio Setup. The .msi file run quitly and Filled the missing parts, and the Management Studio Run OK.

So I uninstalled all SSMS, Visual Studio 2013, AND everything else that had "Visual Studio" in the name from program files (like the shell). Then, I re-installed SSMS and now it works.

The above suggestions didn't work for me - I re-ran the Setup.Exe for SQL Server, and just chose the Repair option. Took 1 minute, and all was fixed.

Running F:\1033_ENU_LP\redist\VisualStudioShell\VSSetup\vs_setup.msi from SQL Server 2014 ISO solved this issue for me. Looks like the Visual Studio Shell was removed somehow before and that corrupted the SQL Server Management Studio as it depends on it. Strange that the SQL Server repair process didn't pick this up though

There solved it for me: From the SQL Server DVD (or ISO) Run this: D:\redist\VisualStudioShell\VS10sp1-KB983509.msp

This will detect other anomalies with regards your VS10 requirements and fix all as required.

I was able to launch my SSMS 2012 even part way through the fix.