I Am trying to login to Ubuntu machine from windows using RDP. Installed xrdp and tight vnc but while connecting am getting following error

xrdp_mm_process_login_response:login failed

Steps followed to install XRDP:

sudo apt-get update .
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
sudo    apt-get install xrdp
sudo restart

After this tried logging with RDP and getting the error. could you give a step by step guide or other alternative methods, please?

Solution 1:

I managed to fix this problem by editing the /etc/xrdp/sesman.ini file and commenting out the requirement to group membership. Now you can access all accounts.


Evidently a user must be a member of tsusers which is supposed to be created by xrdp itself. This group was not created at xrdp installation in my case. I created the group and added users to the group. But this did not help. By commenting out the following lines, all users can rdp now.

Solution 2:

Usually this error means that the password used is not the valid one (or credentials are not valid ones).

You should know that the XRDP login screen will use by default the English US keyboard layout. So, if you are using a different keyboard layout, you might be typing the wrong password in the xrdp login. Check that keyboard layout is correct... Just a guess :-)

Solution 3:

Your x11 sessions might be locked or orphaned.

see this article

If you encountered this error xrdp_mm_process_login_response: login failed when you use the remote desktop connection to connection to a vnc session.

Even if you restart xrdp, the error still remains, the issue could be due to locked X11 session that was created by xrdp.

To solve the issue, go to /tmp/.X11-unix/ and find your X session and delete the session.

cd /tmp/.X11-unix

Do a listing

ls -l 

Look at the sessions owned by you which you wished to delete

srwxrwxrwx 1 root      root  0 Jul  9  2012 X0
srwxrwxrwx 1 user1  users 0 Jan 25 09:13 X1
srwxrwxrwx 1 user2      users 0 Jul 10  2012 X10
srwxrwxrwx 1 user3     users 0 Feb 19 13:31 X11
srwxrwxrwx 1 user4  users 0 Nov 20 15:10 X12
srwxrwxrwx 1 user5     users 0 Jul 10  2012 X13

Delete the session...

If xrdp still fails, it seems that it is due to orphaned X--. Once xrdp hits an orphaned X-- which may or may not be from other users, the error will still remain.

To see the orphaned X11 session, you can run vncserver, which will return something like this

$ vncserver
Warning: Head-Node:1 is taken because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
Remove this file if there is no X server Head-Node:1

Delete all the orphaned X--

Restart the xrdp service and try the remote connection.

service xrdp restart

Solution 4:

I had this problem as well. All I had to do was to use lower case for my user name at the RDP login prompt. I have a user name which includes an upper case character.

Solution 5:

A less common, but hopefully useful solution to anyone else having this problem in a tunnel server setup similar to mine:

+--------------------------+            +-------------------+            +----------------+
| Mac OS X + MS RDP client | ==[ssh]==> | Ubuntu SSH server | ==[rdp]==> | Ubuntu Desktop |
+--------------------------+            +-------------------+            +----------------+

You must put the username and password into your MS RDP client. If you try and add it later at the remote login screen, you will first get the error. And when you try to log in using the remote login screen, you get password failed, error - problem connecting

Other info

In case you want to do RDP tunneling over an SSH like me, here is what I did:

ssh -v -N -L 3389:  [email protected]