Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

I am making a .bat file, and I would like it to write ASCII art into a text file.

I was able to find the command to append a new line to the file when echoing text, but when I read that text file, all I see is a layout-sign and not a space. I think it would work by opening that file with Word or even WordPad, but I would like it to work on any computer, even if that computer only has Notepad (which is mostly the case).

How can I open the text file in a certain program (i.e. WordPad) or write a proper space character to the file?


I found that it is the best way to use:

echo <line1> > <filename>
echo <line2> >> <filename>

P.S. I used | in my ASCII art, so it crashed, Dumb Dumb Dumb :)

Solution 1:

echo Hello, > file.txt
echo.       >>file.txt
echo world  >>file.txt

and you can always run:

wordpad file.txt

on any version of Windows.

On Windows 2000 and above you can do:

( echo Hello, & echo. & echo world ) > file.txt

Another way of showing a message for a small amount of text is to create file.vbs containing:

Msgbox "Hello," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "world", 0, "Message"

Call it with

cscript /nologo file.vbs

Or use wscript if you don't need it to wait until they click OK.

The problem with the message you're writing is that the vertical bar (|) is the "pipe" operator. You'll need to escape it by using ^| instead of |.

P.S. it's spelled Pwned.

Solution 2:

You can easily append to the end of a file, by using the redirection char twice (>>).

This will copy source.txt to destination.txt, overwriting destination in the process:

type source.txt > destination.txt

This will copy source.txt to destination.txt, appending to destination in the process:

type source.txt >> destination.txt

Solution 3:

Maybe this is what you want?

echo foo > test.txt
echo. >> test.txt
echo bar >> test.txt

results in the following within test.txt:



Solution 4:

echo "text to echo" > file.txt