Boolean.parseBoolean("1") = false...?

sorry to be a pain... I have: HashMap<String, String> o

o.get('uses_votes'); // "1"


Boolean.parseBoolean(o.get('uses_votes')); // "false"

I'm guessing that ....parseBoolean doesn't accept the standard 0 = false 1 = true?

Am I doing something wrong or will I have to wrap my code in:

boolean uses_votes = false;
if(o.get('uses_votes').equals("1")) {
    uses_votes = true;


Solution 1:

It accepts only a string value of "true" to represent boolean true. Best what you can do is

boolean uses_votes = "1".equals(o.get("uses_votes"));

Or if the Map actually represents an "entitiy", I think a Javabean is way much better. Or if it represents configuration settings, you may want to take a look into Apache Commons Configuration.

Solution 2:

I have a small utility function to convert all possible values into Boolean.

private boolean convertToBoolean(String value) {
    boolean returnValue = false;
    if ("1".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || 
        "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || "on".equalsIgnoreCase(value))
        returnValue = true;
    return returnValue;

Solution 3:

According to the documentation (emphasis mine):

Parses the string argument as a boolean. The boolean returned represents the value true if the string argument is not null and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true".

Solution 4:

If you're trying to get C's behavior (0 == false and everything else is true), you could do this:

boolean uses_votes = Integer.parseInt(o.get("uses_votes")) != 0;

Solution 5:

Thomas, I think your wrapper code, or just the condition itself, is the cleanest way to do what you want to do in java, which is convert "1" to the Boolean True value. Actually, comparing to "0" and taking the inverse would match the C behavior of treating 0 as false and everything else as true.

Boolean intStringToBoolean(numericBooleanValueString) {
  return !"0".equals(numericBooleanValueString);