Tools to install after a minimal linux install

When you finished installation of your linux machine, what are the first packages that you install, and what are the tools that you get first ?

In my Debian box, I get pv, screen, ccze, ... like this

apt-get install pv screen ccze
Please send your feedback.

On every host I setup I install these.

apt-get install openssh-server sudo screen iproute resolvconf \
                build-essential tcpdump vlan mii-diag firehol \
                apticron atsar ethtool denyhosts rdist bzip2 xclip \
                etckeeper git-core less unzip mtr-tiny curl gdebi-core \
                xbase-clients rsync psmisc iperf lshw wget pastebinit

I like Zoredache's list, so I would add these to that list:


For non-packages:

vmware server 1.x

I don't use apt-get anymore!

aptitude -R install vim lsof htop bash-completion less ncftp ssh iostat debian-goodies

after that, some basic settings:

echo "source /etc/bash_completion" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias ..='cd ..' >> ~/.bashrc
echo '"\e[A": history-search-backward' >> inputrc
echo '"\e[B": history-search-forward' >> inputrc
update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim.basic

in most cases:

apt-get install screen fail2ban mtr-tiny less 


apt-get install tcpdump

and.. i just cannot help

apt-get install mc

Don't forget to add 'lsof' to the list. That command is so handy.