Where is the persistent option for Startup Disk Creator in 16.04?
The Startup Disk Creator no longer shows the option to create a persistent drive. How do I get back this setting in the application?
Solution 1:
Unfortunately it looks like in the source release notes changelog
it was a decision to drop the Erase and Persistence widgets:
usb-creator (0.3.0) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Marc Deslauriers ]
* Rework the whole imaging process for writing to devices:
- Use an equivalent of dd to make an exact copy of the image to the device
- This also breaks persistence.
[ Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre ]
* Update UI and frontend code to drop the persistence widgets.
* Drop Erase Disk widgets too.
-- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre <[email protected]> Fri, 11 Dec 2015 12:37:41 -0500
This can be found if you download the source for usb-creator-gtk