Viewing Xubuntu desktop in full screen under Virtualbox on Windows 8

Solution 1:

You have to install Guest Additions.

For that to work, in your guest OS install:

sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc

Now mount the Guest Additions CD, cd to the mount path and run sudo ./ (not exactly sure this is the file name)

If no errors appeared on the terminal window, all you have to do is restart your virtual machine and the resolution will be automatically set depending on the VirtuaBox window size.

To mount shared folders do:

sudo mkdir /media/<folder_name>
sudo mount -t vboxsf SHARENAME /media/<folder_name>

Solution 2:

Solution provided by @Cornelius didn't works for me.

Found follow terminal command that fix issue:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11

Reboot. All works fine.