Redis administration panel [closed]

Is there a standard or de facto standard GUI administration panel for Redis? I'd like to see general health and status of my Redis instances through a web interface. Advanced stuff such as access to logs, trends on memory usage, etc. would be nice but not necessary. I'm running Redis on a Hadoop cluster, in which I enjoy having pages for the JobTracker, NameNode, Ganglia, etc.

There are a few out there, but at first glance they don't seem ready for prime time.


I am a big fan of Redis-Commander

Give a try to Redsmin (long description here). Its a fully online GUI for Redis that provides a lot of features.

It currently offers:

  • No installation and cross-platform
  • Multiple database management (with direct or proxied access)
  • Keys tree and list view (with optional real-time update)
  • Batch operation over multiple key that match a pattern
  • Data editor
  • LUA editor

Redis LUA Editor

  • Redis Cluster monitoring
  • Online configuration (with command override support)

  • JavaScript API directly accessible from the browser console for light data processing

Redis JavaScript API

  • Monitoring features
  • Online terminal with auto-completion and inline-documentation
  • Real-time data-visualization (histogram, pie, ...)
  • Monitoring (and alerting soon)

enter image description here

enter image description here

I've been running Redmon for a few days and it does a nice job graphing the live redis memory usage and keyspace, activity in a web UI with a CLI for typing redis commands too. It's a Ruby application which was very easy to run once the dependencies were installed.

redis-cli info provides a wealth of information about the health of a redis instance. Formatting its output for easier digestion shouldn't be too hard.