How difficult are the quests from the terminal in the Orochi Group van in Blue Mountain?

Solution 1:

As Shinrai has stated, The Filth Amendment is a QL10 mission if done solo, but can be done by a full group in QL6 gear. So either find some friends or come back when you've reached Transylvania (at which point you should be in QL10 gear).

The second quest is an investigation mission and involves no combat. It can be done at any level (although as usual the puzzles are pleasantly challenging in other ways).

Solution 2:

The quarry is one of those endgame spots intended for players with full QL10. Even once you're in decent gear, you may need a group to properly tackle these mobs. I have heard reports of QL6-8 characters doing it in a full group of 5, though, so it may be worth trying - you'll probably want a dedicated tank and healer.