Is snprintf() ALWAYS null terminating?

Solution 1:

As the other answers establish: It should:

snprintf ... Writes the results to a character string buffer. (...) will be terminated with a null character, unless buf_size is zero.

So all you have to take care is that you don't pass an zero-size buffer to it, because (obviously) it cannot write a zero to "nowhere".

However, beware that Microsoft's library does not have a function called snprintf but instead historically only had a function called _snprintf (note leading underscore) which does not append a terminating null. Here's the docs (VS 2012, ~~ VS 2013):

Return Value

Let len be the length of the formatted data string (not including the terminating null). len and count are in bytes for _snprintf, wide characters for _snwprintf.

  • If len < count, then len characters are stored in buffer, a null-terminator is appended, and len is returned.

  • If len = count, then len characters are stored in buffer, no null-terminator is appended, and len is returned.

  • If len > count, then count characters are stored in buffer, no null-terminator is appended, and a negative value is returned.


Visual Studio 2015 (VC14) apparently introduced the conforming snprintf function, but the legacy one with the leading underscore and the non null-terminating behavior is still there:

The snprintf function truncates the output when len is greater than or equal to count, by placing a null-terminator at buffer[count-1]. (...)

For all functions other than snprintf, if len = count, len characters are stored in buffer, no null-terminator is appended, (...)

Solution 2:

According to snprintf(3) manpage.

The functions snprintf() and vsnprintf() write at most size bytes (including the trailing null byte ('\0')) to str.

So, yes, no need to terminate if size >= 1.

Solution 3:

According to the C standard, unless the buffer size is 0, vsnprintf() and snprintf() null terminates its output.

The snprintf() function shall be equivalent to sprintf(), with the addition of the n argument which states the size of the buffer referred to by s. If n is zero, nothing shall be written and s may be a null pointer. Otherwise, output bytes beyond the n-1st shall be discarded instead of being written to the array, and a null byte is written at the end of the bytes actually written into the array.

So, if you need to know how big a buffer to allocate, use a size of zero, and you can then use a null pointer as the destination. Note that I linked to the POSIX pages, but these explicitly say that there is not intended to be any divergence between Standard C and POSIX where they cover the same ground:

The functionality described on this reference page is aligned with the ISO C standard. Any conflict between the requirements described here and the ISO C standard is unintentional. This volume of POSIX.1-2008 defers to the ISO C standard.

Be wary of the Microsoft version of vsnprintf(). It definitely behaves differently from the standard C version when there is not enough space in the buffer (it returns -1 where the standard function returns the required length). It is not entirely clear that the Microsoft version null terminates its output under error conditions, whereas the standard C version does.

Note also the answers to Do you use the TR 24731 safe functions? (see MSDN for the Microsoft version of the vsprintf_s()) and Mac solution for the safe alternatives to unsafe C standard library functions?