Is there a context where envision is not a synonym of envisage, or vice versa?

Envisage's definition:

contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event

Envision's definiton

imagine as a future possibility; visualize:

Visualise's definition seems to be relevant to envision only in so far as it means imagine, which seems to me to be synonymous with "contemplate or conceive of".

Solution 1:

It seems to be a regional distinction. British English prefers envisage, but American English prefers envision. There's a long explanation here as to the history.


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As an American English speaker, I don't think I've ever seen envisage in general usage.

Solution 2:

The definition and usage of both words overlap a lot, but there is one difference I can perhaps think of. Envisage is commonly used as a synonym for predict or anticipate. Envision is less likely to be used for the same.

I do not envisage a growth in telecommunications sector in the next two years.

Envision, on the other hand, could be used when you imagine something fancy or a remote possibility. To quote an example from here,

"I can't envision him on horseback!"

The difference may be one that never exists in practice, but I do feel envisage is commoner in business circles than envision.