Can't create new folder from anywhere in Windows 7

I have this problem on two of my new laptops and can't seem to find a decent workable solution elsewhere in forum land. The problem is that on my Windows 7 Professional machines the right mouse button doesn't show the New Folder option and elsewhere as well (via Explorer) I'm unable to create new folders.

I'll be happy to get this tiny problem resolved and declare that Windows 7 is almost perfect! Thanks to all of you in advance for your contribution!

PS: None of the Vista solutions seem to work here!

New folder blues...

Tried NewFolderFix.reg, didn't work - "Not all data was succesfully written to the registry. Some keys are open by the system or other processes."

Converted FolderFix.reg to .inf file and that worked.

Don't recall the problem appearing after an update.

MS answer to the explore process hanging (KB 972685) was to install the latest Visual C++ Update (vcredist.exe).

Nope. That didn't help either.

I haven't touched Silverlight since installation when Windows 7 hit the shelves. I tortured the RC installation before that, and never had problems there either.


Logged back into Administrator account, still missing from there. Spent a bit more time looking instead of just fixing. Just yto make sure, logged back into my user account - still OK there.

Turns out the entries in HKCR\CLSID were the culprit here. Reg file wouldn't take again (as above) but inf file fixed it. This key was unable to be entered from regfile, or altered or deleted in Regedit (Permissions).

Don't quite understand why a common key in HKCR needed to be entered separately for each user.

Here is the file I used to fix it. Just copy into notepad, save as newfolderfix.inf, rt-click and select Install



Signature=$Windows NT$


AddReg     =REGEntries.AddReg






String0 = "CLSID\{11dbb47c-a525-400b-9e80-a54615a090c0}"


Thanks to others who helped point me in the right direction.

Solution 1:

Firstly, I had the same problem as you with Windows 7 Ultimate and to solve this problem, I just double clicked the following registry script.

So people - simply click the following link and run this Create New Folder fix OK!


Don't worry, it works in both Windows Vista and Windows 7 and will fix this issue instantly. I would also suggest, that you store the file on the hard drive and link to it for a few days, just in case the create New Folder option does a disappearing act on you again.

Solution 2:

See Microsoft's New command missing in Windows Explorer:

After you install Internet Explorer with the Windows Desktop Update component, the following symptoms may occur:

  • When you click the File menu in Windows Explorer, the New command may be missing.
  • When you right-click the desktop, the New command may be missing from the context menu.

To resolve this issue, use Registry Editor to verify that the registry key listed below has the value listed, and if needed, edit the value to match the value listed.

Registry key:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\New\ (Default)
Value for (Default):

NOTE: This registry entry only exists if the Windows Desktop Update component is installed. If the Windows Desktop Update component is not installed, add the registry entry and (Default) value.

Solution 3:

You can fix this problem from the Windows Registry.

From the start menu, run regedit.

Browse to the key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellNew

If the key doesn't exist you can create it. You can check this key out, be sure that everything matches up with the images below.

(( spam prevention keeps me from posting helpful images, see comment below ))

You may have to create the \Config key as well, depending on how messed up everything is. But once you match everything to the pictures it should work fine.


Check your HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder it should be identical to the above mentioned registry key.

It could also be a permissions issue. From command prompt try

icacls C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop /grant USERNAME:f /t

Last but not least super registry key fix. Adds all of the folder keys (except for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). included are: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\New HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\

Solution 4:

I had the same problem. I suspect it comes from the installation of a utility that modifies this shell menu, but deletes wrong things at the same time.

Based on the information I saw above, I had to recreate three registry entries for it to work. One seems to refer to the shell in general; a second to the Folder context menu; a third one to the desktop context menu. It may be that other entries are missing, if there are other context menus where a new folder can be created, but at least this worked for me.

Thanks for all others for giving me the basis elements for this. This is the RegEdit (.reg) file; you can create it with notepad; save it and execute it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


