sparse 3d matrix/array in Python?

In scipy, we can construct a sparse matrix using scipy.sparse.lil_matrix() etc. But the matrix is in 2d.

I am wondering if there is an existing data structure for sparse 3d matrix / array (tensor) in Python?

p.s. I have lots of sparse data in 3d and need a tensor to store / perform multiplication. Any suggestions to implement such a tensor if there's no existing data structure?

Solution 1:

Happy to suggest a (possibly obvious) implementation of this, which could be made in pure Python or C/Cython if you've got time and space for new dependencies, and need it to be faster.

A sparse matrix in N dimensions can assume most elements are empty, so we use a dictionary keyed on tuples:

class NDSparseMatrix:
  def __init__(self):
    self.elements = {}

  def addValue(self, tuple, value):
    self.elements[tuple] = value

  def readValue(self, tuple):
      value = self.elements[tuple]
    except KeyError:
      # could also be 0.0 if using floats...
      value = 0
    return value

and you would use it like so:

sparse = NDSparseMatrix()
sparse.addValue((1,2,3), 15.7)
should_be_zero = sparse.readValue((1,5,13))

You could make this implementation more robust by verifying that the input is in fact a tuple, and that it contains only integers, but that will just slow things down so I wouldn't worry unless you're releasing your code to the world later.

EDIT - a Cython implementation of the matrix multiplication problem, assuming other tensor is an N Dimensional NumPy array (numpy.ndarray) might look like this:

#cython: boundscheck=False
#cython: wraparound=False

cimport numpy as np

def sparse_mult(object sparse, np.ndarray[double, ndim=3] u):
  cdef unsigned int i, j, k

  out = np.ndarray(shape=(u.shape[0],u.shape[1],u.shape[2]), dtype=double)

  for i in xrange(1,u.shape[0]-1):
    for j in xrange(1, u.shape[1]-1):
      for k in xrange(1, u.shape[2]-1):
        # note, here you must define your own rank-3 multiplication rule, which
        # is, in general, nontrivial, especially if LxMxN tensor...

        # loop over a dummy variable (or two) and perform some summation:
        out[i,j,k] = u[i,j,k] * sparse((i,j,k))

  return out

Although you will always need to hand roll this for the problem at hand, because (as mentioned in code comment) you'll need to define which indices you're summing over, and be careful about the array lengths or things won't work!

EDIT 2 - if the other matrix is also sparse, then you don't need to do the three way looping:

def sparse_mult(sparse, other_sparse):

  out = NDSparseMatrix()

  for key, value in sparse.elements.items():
    i, j, k = key
    # note, here you must define your own rank-3 multiplication rule, which
    # is, in general, nontrivial, especially if LxMxN tensor...

    # loop over a dummy variable (or two) and perform some summation 
    # (example indices shown):
    out.addValue(key) = out.readValue(key) + 
      other_sparse.readValue((i,j,k+1)) * sparse((i-3,j,k))

  return out

My suggestion for a C implementation would be to use a simple struct to hold the indices and the values:

typedef struct {
  int index[3];
  float value;
} entry_t;

you'll then need some functions to allocate and maintain a dynamic array of such structs, and search them as fast as you need; but you should test the Python implementation in place for performance before worrying about that stuff.

Solution 2:

An alternative answer as of 2017 is the sparse package. According to the package itself it implements sparse multidimensional arrays on top of NumPy and scipy.sparse by generalizing the scipy.sparse.coo_matrix layout.

Here's an example taken from the docs:

import numpy as np
n = 1000
ndims = 4
nnz = 1000000
coords = np.random.randint(0, n - 1, size=(ndims, nnz))
data = np.random.random(nnz)

import sparse
x = sparse.COO(coords, data, shape=((n,) * ndims))
# <COO: shape=(1000, 1000, 1000, 1000), dtype=float64, nnz=1000000>

# 16000000

y = sparse.tensordot(x, x, axes=((3, 0), (1, 2)))

# <COO: shape=(1000, 1000, 1000, 1000), dtype=float64, nnz=1001588>

Solution 3:

Have a look at sparray - sparse n-dimensional arrays in Python (by Jan Erik Solem). Also available on github.

Solution 4:

Nicer than writing everything new from scratch may be to use scipy's sparse module as far as possible. This may lead to (much) better performance. I had a somewhat similar problem, but I only had to access the data efficiently, not perform any operations on them. Furthermore, my data were only sparse in two out of three dimensions.

I have written a class that solves my problem and could (as far as I think) easily be extended to satisfiy the OP's needs. It may still hold some potential for improvement, though.

import scipy.sparse as sp
import numpy as np

class Sparse3D():
    Class to store and access 3 dimensional sparse matrices efficiently
    def __init__(self, *sparseMatrices):
        Takes a stack of sparse 2D matrices with the same dimensions
        """ = sp.vstack(sparseMatrices, "dok")
        self.shape = (len(sparseMatrices), *sparseMatrices[0].shape)
        self._dim1_jump = np.arange(0, self.shape[1]*self.shape[0], self.shape[1])
        self._dim1 = np.arange(self.shape[0])
        self._dim2 = np.arange(self.shape[1])

    def __getitem__(self, pos):
        if not type(pos) == tuple:
            if not hasattr(pos, "__iter__") and not type(pos) == slice: 
                return[self._dim1_jump[pos] + self._dim2]
                return Sparse3D(*(self[self._dim1[i]] for i in self._dim1[pos]))
        elif len(pos) > 3:
            raise IndexError("too many indices for array")
            if (not hasattr(pos[0], "__iter__") and not type(pos[0]) == slice or
                not hasattr(pos[1], "__iter__") and not type(pos[1]) == slice):
                if len(pos) == 2:
                    result =[self._dim1_jump[pos[0]] + self._dim2[pos[1]]]
                    result =[self._dim1_jump[pos[0]] + self._dim2[pos[1]], pos[2]].T
                    if hasattr(pos[2], "__iter__") or type(pos[2]) == slice:
                        result = result.T
                return result
                if len(pos) == 2:
                    return Sparse3D(*(self[i, self._dim2[pos[1]]] for i in self._dim1[pos[0]]))
                    if not hasattr(pos[2], "__iter__") and not type(pos[2]) == slice:
                        return sp.vstack([self[self._dim1[pos[0]], i, pos[2]]
                                          for i in self._dim2[pos[1]]]).T
                        return Sparse3D(*(self[i, self._dim2[pos[1]], pos[2]] 
                                          for i in self._dim1[pos[0]]))

    def toarray(self):
        return np.array([self[i].toarray() for i in range(self.shape[0])])