How to enumerate network interfaces in Ansible

The ansible_interfaces fact lists all of the existing network interfaces.

Some hints to get an interface when we know some information:

      allNetworkInterfaces: "{{ ansible_facts | dict2items | selectattr('value.ipv4', 'defined') | map(attribute='value') | list }}"
      allNetworkInterfaces_variant2: "{{ ansible_facts.interfaces | map('extract', ansible_facts ) | list }}"
      interfaceWithKnownIp: "{{ ansible_facts | dict2items | selectattr('value.ipv4', 'defined') | selectattr('value.ipv4.address', 'equalto', myKnowIpV4) | first }}"
      interfaceWithKnownIp_fromVar: "{{ allNetworkInterfaces | selectattr('ipv4.address', 'equalto', myKnowIpV4) | first }}"
      interfacesWithPartialKnowMac: "{{ allNetworkInterfaces | selectattr('macaddress', 'match', knownMacPrefix~'.*') | list }}"
      interfacesWitKnowType: "{{ allNetworkInterfaces | selectattr('type', 'equalto', knownType) | sort(attribute='device') | list }}"
      # extended on 2020-10-28
      queryForKnownIpv6: "[*].{device: device, ipv4: ipv4, ipv6: ipv6[? address == 'fe80::a00:27ff:fe38:ad36']}[?ipv6])" # string must be in ' # sorry, only partial interface info, did not find out how to return all info directly
      interfacesWithKnownIpv6: '{{ allNetworkInterfaces | json_query(queryForKnownIpv6) | first }}'
      queryForKnownIpv4_linux: "[?ipv4.address == '{{ myKnownIpV4 }}']}[?ipv4])" # string must be in '
      interfacesWithKnownIp_variantJsonQuery: '{{ allNetworkInterfaces | json_query(queryForKnownIpv4_linux) | first }}'

some short explications:

  • dict2item because selectattr expects an array
  • map(attribute='...') to unpack this array
  • map('extract', ...) to extract interfaces from ansible_facts
  • ansible_facts.interfaces is the same as ansible_interfaces
  • json_query() for flexible selecting and unpacking, an alternative variant with `map()? is welcome