Linux graphical alternative to WinSCP tunneled connection

Is there a Linux or multiplatform software with GUI that allows you to browse and download files from a server behind a SSH tunnel (this is a winscp example)?

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   +------------WinSCP alternative-----------+


To clarify, there are 3 systems involved. A local one (client) and 2 remote:

  • The first one, which I called gateway is accessible via ssh from the internet. But it doesn't have the files I want.
  • The second one, which I called target_host is accessible from gateway but not directly from the Internet

I want to graphically browse the target_host, and I have done so using WinSCP, that allows me to establish a ssh tunnel to gateway and then connect to target_host.

Solution 1:

I don't think it's very common for file transfer software to address this use case, so it's interesting that WinSCP has it. Unless someone else knows of other software that does this, you'll probably have to do the tunnel setup yourself. This should help:

An SSH tunnel via multiple hops