Visual Studio retrieving an incorrect path to a project from somewhere

  1. Go to Manage Workspaces (either through the File/Source Control menu or the workspace drop down in Source Control Explorer)
  2. select edit for your workspace.
  3. You should see, under working folders, a mapping for the source control directory to the old/wrong project directory.
  4. Select it and click remove.
  5. Close VS and delete the suo file.

It still references the wrong directory. Maybe rebinding might work at this point but I didn't try that. Reload your project and you should be good to go.

Simply deleting the solutions .suo file worked for me.

I was facing this issue after performing a migration from Visual Source Safe 2005 to TFS 2012. I couldn't wait for the "Conversion Wizard" due out in the next couple weeks so I just ran VSSConvert.exe. This took 6 or so years of history and moved it into TFS.. while I didn't get the actual timeline history.. I got a bunch of entries on the same day with the comments indicating the actual check-ins of the history.. not bad.

So after it ran all night (Successfully, yay!), I was having trouble loading my projects just as this question stated. For some reason, a few projects were being referenced to an incorrect directory. I checked the .sln, the .vsproj files, and getting latest, deleting re-getting, adding removing, etc.. I tried everything noted here... even upgrading my workspace, which I'm not sure what that even did.

FINALLY... I deleted the *.suo files and viola. It worked.

I spent a couple hours on this one.