Problem with the accent marks on MS Office in PlayOnLinux

Solution 1:

I have solved it. There are two actions to apply:

  1. Solves the problem when you launch the application and then open the file.

    • To do so, follow ingasvist's user instuctions: go to Playonlinux, select Office program (Word, Excel, ...), go to Configure (do not get confused by "Configure Wine"), go to the Miscellaneous tab, and in the Command to exec before run textbox, enter: XMODIFIERS="". That solved it. Keep the keyboard entry method on IBus. Repeat for other office links.
  2. Solves the problem when you want to open directly the file from your file browser.

    • Go to the files located at ~/.local/share/applications. Use a text editor to modify Office launcher files and look for the line which begins like Exec=.... Modify this line by adding env XMODIFIERS="" to it. This is what mine looks like now:

      Exec= env XMODIFIERS="" /usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "Microsoft Word 2010" %F 

I hope this helps!


PD: this answer is thanks to the contribution of ingasvist user, this blog, and this faq website.

Solution 2:

Open playonlinux and select the Excel shortcut, then click configure. Go to the 'Miscellaneous' tab, and in the 'Command to exec befor run' textbox, enter: XMODIFIERS="". That solved it in my situation. Keep the kbd entry method on IBus. Repeat for other office links.