16.04 LTS wifi connection lost randomly every 5 minutes [duplicate]

First I had this issue described here 16.04 LTS wifi connection issues but nobody was able to provide a valid answer.

Recently this wifi connection issue gets even worse. I would lose wifi connection randomly about every 5 minutes on my computer(Dell XPS 8900 with skylake i7-6700 CPU and Samsung 950PRO SSD). The wifi icon would remain connected state while connection is lost. It looks like it would be reconnected automatically after a while or I will have to reconnect manually.

Can somebody plz tell me what is going on here? Is it something wrong with my computer or just another bug with this version?

Finally, I was able to fix the issue.

  1. Get details of your PCI wireless card by running the following

    sudo lshw -class network
  2. Get your card model info according to the product line of the wireless interface. For instance, as you can see in the question description it says product: RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter so the model of my card is RTL8723BE

  3. Open or create /etc/pm/config.d/config and add SUSPEND_MODULES="rtl8723be"(replace rtl8723be with your own model number) Then run

    echo "options rtl8723be fwlps=N" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf

    and reboot.

Now your system should be able to reconnect automatically after sleep, and wifi connection never got lost once for me after doing this.