Long Delay after Bootin - upower.service requires 26s

Solution 1:

Take a step further to see more output using systemd-analyze command that is appended with critical-chain. This command supposedly "prints a tree of the time-critical chain of units".

Example output from systemd-analyze commands, which are relevant to upower.service:

$ systemd-analyze blame | grep upower
           486ms upower.service

$ systemd-analyze critical-chain upower.service
The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.
The time the unit takes to start is printed after the "+" character.

upower.service +486ms
└─basic.target @16.023s
  └─sockets.target @16.023s
    └─snapd.socket @15.921s +55ms
      └─sysinit.target @15.920s
        └─apparmor.service @6.264s +9.629s
          └─local-fs.target @6.147s
            └─run-user-108.mount @36.705s
              └─local-fs-pre.target @6.147s
                └─systemd-remount-fs.service @6.051s +93ms
                  └─system.slice @2.394s
                    └─-.slice @2.389s

If above output still doesn't give any hint to you, use another command systemctl status SERVICE to see related output for target SERVICE. This command will print whether the SERVICE is currently running or not, and also print relevant log from the last boot.

Example output of systemctl command, which is relevant to upower.service:

$ systemctl status upower.service
● upower.service - Daemon for power management
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/upower.service; disabled; vendor preset: 
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-09-21 23:33:23 MYT; 1min 35s ago
     Docs: man:upowerd(8)
 Main PID: 967 (upowerd)
    Tasks: 3 (limit: 512)
   CGroup: /system.slice/upower.service
           └─967 /usr/lib/upower/upowerd

Sep 21 23:33:22 HOSTNAME systemd[1]: Starting Daemon for power management...
Sep 21 23:33:23 HOSTNAME systemd[1]: Started Daemon for power management.

A simple check: Is there any additional device that remain connected to your computer for no apparent reason? Any innocent device, such as a smartphone connected to USB port, may slow down or even interfere the boot process of your computer.

The system hangs at the login screen for what seems like 30 seconds. The mouse cursor and screen are completely frozen. After that the system works normally.

The changing point: The question above only revealed the symptoms, which hardly tell anything other than the slowness of loading the system.

Instead of describing the delay, consider asking yourself any of the following questions:

  • When the boot process started to slow down?

  • What did recently change with my computer? Such as BIOS update or customization.

  • Did I install additional hardware? Such as new device driver.

  • Did I install additional packages or upgrade particular packages?

  • What type of hardware is used? Is the hardware causing issues?

The question had none of these information, which means impossible to determine the root cause for something we don't know. Lack of information is a pitfall to any attempts of problem solving.