When to use shared_ptr and when to use raw pointers?

Your analysis is quite correct, I think. In this situation, I also would return a bare B*, or even a [const] B& if the object is guaranteed to never be null.

Having had some time to peruse smart pointers, I arrived at some guidelines which tell me what to do in many cases:

  • If you return an object whose lifetime is to be managed by the caller, return std::unique_ptr. The caller can assign it to a std::shared_ptr if it wants.
  • Returning std::shared_ptr is actually quite rare, and when it makes sense, it is generally obvious: you indicate to the caller that it will prolong the lifetime of the pointed-to object beyond the lifetime of the object which was originally maintaining the resource. Returning shared pointers from factories is no exception: you must do this eg. when you use std::enable_shared_from_this.
  • You very rarely need std::weak_ptr, except when you want to make sense of the lock method. This has some uses, but they are rare. In your example, if the lifetime of the A object was not deterministic from the caller's point of view, this would have been something to consider.
  • If you return a reference to an existing object whose lifetime the caller cannot control, then return a bare pointer or a reference. By doing so, you tell the caller that an object exists and that she doesn't have to take care of its lifetime. You should return a reference if you don't make use of the nullptr value.

The question "when should I use shared_ptr and when should I use raw pointers?" has a very simple answer:

  • Use raw pointers when you do not want to have any ownership attached to the pointer. This job can also often be done with references. Raw pointers can also be used in some low level code (such as for implementing smart pointers, or implementing containers).
  • Use unique_ptr or scope_ptr when you want unique ownership of the object. This is the most useful option, and should be used in most cases. Unique ownership can also be expressed by simply creating an object directly, rather than using a pointer (this is even better than using a unique_ptr, if it can be done).
  • Use shared_ptr or intrusive_ptr when you want shared ownership of the pointer. This can be confusing and inefficient, and is often not a good option. Shared ownership can be useful in some complex designs, but should be avoided in general, because it leads to code which is hard to understand.

shared_ptrs perform a totally different task from raw pointers, and neither shared_ptrs nor raw pointers are the best option for the majority of code.

The following is a good rule of thumb:

  • When there is no transfer of shared ownership references or plain pointers are good enough. (Plain pointers are more flexible than references.)
  • When there is transfer of ownership but no shared ownership then std::unique_ptr<> is a good choice. Often the case with factory functions.
  • When there is shared ownership, then it is a good use case for std::shared_ptr<> or boost::intrusive_ptr<>.

It is best to avoid shared ownership, partly because they are most expensive in terms of copying and std::shared_ptr<> takes double of the storage of a plain pointer, but, most importantly, because they are conducive for poor designs where there are no clear owners, which, in turn, leads to a hairball of objects that cannot destroy because they hold shared pointers to each other.

The best design is where clear ownership is established and is hierarchical, so that, ideally, no smart pointers are required at all. For example, if there is a factory that creates unique objects or returns existing ones, it makes sense for the factory to own the objects it creates and just keep them by value in an associative container (such as std::unordered_map), so that it can return plain pointers or references to its users. This factory must have lifetime that starts before its first user and ends after its last user (the hierarchical property), so that users cannot possible have a pointer to an already destroyed object.

If you don't want the callee of GimmeB() to be able to extend the lifetime of the pointer by keeping a copy of the ptr after the instance of A dies, then you definitely should not return a shared_ptr.

If the callee is not supposed to keep the returned pointer for long periods of time, i.e. there's no risk of the instance of A's lifetime expiring before the pointer's, then raw pointer would be better. But even a better choice is simply to use a reference, unless there's a good reason to use an actual raw pointer.

And finally in the case that the returned pointer can exist after the lifetime of the A instance has expired, but you don't want the pointer itself extend the lifetime of the B, then you can return a weak_ptr, which you can use to test whether it still exists.

The bottom line is that there's usually a nicer solution than using a raw pointer.