What is the correct abbreviation of "continued"? [closed]

Assume that I give my work information in my CV with the date (year) intervals. My last position started this year and is continued at the moment.

Example Co.  ABC Manager    2012 - cont.

How should I abbreviate continued here? Is cont. correct?

Solution 1:

There is no right or wrong with abbreviations, but you would do well to avoid them if possible. Here are three distinct pieces of advice:

  • Just write “(continued)” (including parens), and you’ll be fine.

  • If you have some sort of mania for them, or horizontal-space consideration, then sure, write “(cont.)”.

  • It’s a good idea to set it in italic, no matter what you do.

In your case, though, you should probably write one of:

  • 2012 – present
  • 2012 –

As those both look better than “2012 – (continuing)”.

Solution 2:

I believe the answer to the question in the title of your original post is “cont.”, but the usual way of putting that on an application or résumé is spelled “present”, as in “2012 – present”.