Where can I find professional trainers who give me lessons?

Solution 1:

To be honest, since actual skill can't be taught but it rather comes with play time, the best advice I could give anyone in regards to online gaming is PLAY FAIR !. Some other basic guidelines my old clan (we were a bunch of real-life friends, from the same city) was very strict about:

  • DO NOT CHEAT. EVER. PERIOD. It doesn't matter how much you suck, just don't do it. Every player sucked at first -- in fact, my own clan was named THC for Trigga Happy Crew, making fun of ourselves for the inability of shooting ... well ... anything. 6 to 8 months later, the situation completely reversed, and 90% of the time the first 6-8 players in a round were THC members, and having our squad score more points in a round than the whole opposite team altogether wasn't uncommon.

  • Do not destroy your team's assets on purpose, be it vehicles or your team mates themselves. An extra "lame point" is awarded if the target just took "your" vehicle.

  • DO NOT, EVER baserape. Attacking uncappable flags (i.e. MEC Airport or USMC Carrier on Gulf of Oman) is useless and one needs no skill whatsoever to get cheap kills by shooting people when they're disoriented after spawning. Includes but not limited to Artillery, SU-34 bombing, etc.

  • Do not get in helicopters or airplanes if you can't fly. You'll prevent your team from winning when there are people who could actually make good use of those vehicles. Best way to train is in single player mode. Also if you're the pilot and you've got passengers, don't just jump off because "that's where you get off" -- do your job and fly them around, cap flags, etc.


    • Communication - If you say you have a few buddies you're playing with, definitely use the built-in voice chat or other alternatives like Teamspeak or Ventrilo.

    • Kit coordination - Coordinate with each other and pack the right kits. 6 snipers will get pwned like there's no tomorrow against a tank or APC, whereas a team composed of a Medic, Anti-Tank, Spec-Ops and Support will surely cause some damage. My PERSONAL opinion is that both the assault and the sniper kit are pretty useless, maybe except for the smoke grenade from the Assault kit, but people rarely seem to take advantage of it. The engineer one is only useful if you ride around in a vehicle, so if possible, pack as many of the first set of kits as possible. Also, it is generally a good idea for the medic to stand a bit behind, since that's your squad's lifeline and obviously he wouldn't be of much use if dead.

    • Attack coordination - Doesn't matter what kind of kit you're packing and neither does voice chatting with your friends if you're 6 people attacking 6 different flags. Stick together and spawn on your squad leader. Also bear in mind that taking a flag with a full squad would be 6 times faster than it would be doing it on your own.

    To sum it up, the vast majority of the players wouldn't have the slightest idea how to counter-act a well coordinated attack, and even if they did, they would need an equally coordinated squad to actually stand a chance.

  • Last but not least, simply be nice. Don't swear like a foul-mouthed child, don't punish teamkills if it wasn't intentional, and say sorry if you're the one doing the accidental teamkill. Basically, just don't do anything you wouldn't like if it were done to you.

Hope this helps ;)