How to install ibus-avro in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?
Important note:
Avro Phonetic has now been made available to Ubuntu users via an official package.
To install it:
sudo apt install ibus-avro
in the Ubuntu archive installs the latest upstream software, including a bugfix which is important to Ubuntu users. The GitHub repo referred to in step 1 and 2 below is in read-only mode, and not useful any longer.
Previous answer:
Get the latest release of Avro from GitHub (at this time, it is 2.1).
Install the package:
sudo dpkg -i avro_*_all.deb
If you get any dependency errors, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install -f
The installation should now be finished.
Go to System Settings -> Language Support from Unity Launcher
- Look at the Keyboard input method system
- Select IBus and close the window.
You may need to restart IBus to make everything work. Try the following command:
ibus restart
Otherwise a reboot may be required.
Go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Text Entry.
- Search for Avro Phonetic, and add it as input source.
Open a terminal and run these commands:
sudo apt install git ibus libibus-1.0-dev automake autoconf gjs ibus-1.0 gir1.2-ibus-1.0
cd /tmp
git clone
cd ibus-avro
aclocal && autoconf && automake --add-missing
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
This works on my Ubuntu MATE 16.04
N.B.: A restart might be required.