Removing Bing from my Google search bar when I open a new tab

Bing has rudely planted its self on my "open new tab" so above Bing my regular Google is there but below is the irritating Bing search bar! I have tried everything I know of to get rid of it and it will not go! I can not find it listed under my settings, control panel and/or uninstall!

This is the second time Bing has made its unwelcome tush comfy in my Google area! How frustrating!

I want instructions for removing Bing from my Google search bar when I open a new tab.

I removed the annoying Bing search in Windows 8.1 by going to Tools>Manage add-ons>Search providers then deleted the Bing that was listed. When I restarted IE Bing was gone.

I was aghast when all my "google" searches came up on bing, and came to this very thread to find help. It was when I went to my add-ons manager that I discovered what happened. I had added the "SafeSearch Incognito" to my browser, and the only way for that to work is to use bing instead of google. So now I realize that if I want one I cannot have the other.