connect to smb share with root access [closed]

Ok, I have smb configured on my Centos 6.7 environment, I have added the user root with smbpasswd -a and when I browse to the share from my windows box I connect with the samba root user I created a password for, but I don't have linux root permissions when I click on the directories. As you can see below, I want to have access to /. Here is the config:

comment = Default connect
path = /
valid users = admin root 
force user = root
force group = root
browsable = yes
admin users = root, root
public = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0777
read only = No
directory mode = 0777

Thanks in advance for your help!

Solution 1:

Arguments for the valid users parameter must be comma-separated. Also, notice that you typed "writable" instead of writeable. And, because writeable is the inverted synonym of read only, there's no need to declare the read only parameter.

Here's the correct config:

comment = Default connect
path = /
valid users = admin, root 
force user = root
force group = root
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
admin users = root
public = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777

Restart your Samba server (run e.g. sudo service smbd restart or sudo systemctl restart smbd.service) with these configs and see if it works.