How to set previous kernel as default in GRUB (Grub customizer)

Solution 1:

Ok .. Decided to give it Grub Customizer a try on a VM box so I didn't screw anything up. I was able to change the default kernel without any issues. Here is how I did it.

enter image description here

In the General settings tab I clicked the pulldown for predefined. It listed all the kernels available. I chose the 3.19.0-58-generic and clicked save ... I rebooted into that kernel. Even though I was worried about it putting the name instead of the numeric value .. it seems to work fine.

So you would have no problems doing the same thing .. just choose the generic one for the kernel you want to use .. not the (upstart) or (recovery mode)

In your case .. the pulldown would probably say either Ubuntu, with Linux 4.4.0-21-generic or Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.4.0-21-generic

Solution 2:

Im not familiar with that program but if I want my computer to boot to a different kernel I just manually edit the grub file located at:


Look for

GRUB_DEFAULT=0 (or whatever your default is set too)

Change that line to the kernel you want loaded ... looking at your list there it looks like 0 would be the standard 4.4.8 and 3 would be the standard 4.4.0

Once you have selected the one you want save the file (you will have to edit the file in root) and then use the command:

sudo update-grub

now when you reboot it should default to which ever kernel you have it set too. When you do update-grub it should print out a list of kernels found ... just verify that you chose the right one .. not sure if I was misreading the list that program shows .. but just be aware that the numbers do start at 0 so the first entry it prints is 0 not 1