Super key release for whiskermenu

Open whiskermenu, type "keyboard" and hit enter. Then choose "Shortcut for application" and find the entry for xfce4-popup-whiskermenu. Dubble-click the assigned shortcut. Now press Super-key. Done.

This thread answers this question in a way that still allows using e.g. Super+E to open the file manager.

Basically for Xubuntu:

  • sudo apt install -y xcape

  • click the menu button, find "Session and Startup" and add a new entry in the "Application Autostart" tab. Use any name you like and put this in the Command field:

    xcape -e 'Super_L=Shift_L|Control_L|Alt_L|Super_L|D'
    It's remapping the Super key to a another, more complicated shortcut that 's unlikely to be used.

  • assign the same complicated key combination to xfce4-popup-whiskermenu in the standard shortcut manager (click menu, type "keyboard", press Enter, the rest should be obvious)