How to find source of memory leak in Windows 7?

Solution 1:

The high memory usgae comes from a high Page table usage. To see which processes use it, install the Windows Performance Toolkit, open a command prompt as admin and run this command:

xperf -on ReferenceSet -BufferSize 1024 -MaxFile 512 -FileMode Circular  && timeout 5 && xperf -d MemUsage.etl

Open the MemUsage.etl with Windows Performance Analyzer (WPA.exe), drag and drop the graph "ResidentSet" from the left graph list to the analysis pane:

enter image description here

Now move the "Page Category" column to the left side and expand the "Page Table" entry:

enter image description here

Here you see the processes which have the high pagetable usage. On the right site (after the blue line), you see page table memory usage in MB for each process.