Is there a portable version of Chrome for Ubuntu?

I'm looking for a portable version of Chrome (not Chromium) that I can work with on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I can only find Chromium or really outdated versions. Due to limitation on the machine I'm using, I cannot install Wine or utilize any admin features as I am on a standard account. Ideally, I would rather have an official version or at least one that exists in a repository that I can apt-get from.

(I understand that apt-get requires sudo, I can use it for the initial vagrant setup, but that's all. Hence why I would need non-admin methods)

Well, "portable" means almost nothing in the Linux world.
You can install any application anywhere on a system. If you do it carefully, in principle you can install any application and its dependencies on a USB stick with a ext partitioning and launch it on any Linux computer with the same architecture.

In particular, Chrome is already "more" portable, since it is entirely self-contained in /opt/google/chrome/.

Just copy that directory somewhere else and you can launch it from anywhere.

I made a bash script to make Google Chrome portable in Ubuntu, Debian , Linux Mint or any linux supporting *.deb files. You can also run as many instances of Chrome as you wish.

Here is the link and steps. It's easy.