How do I run a command using libertine-container-manager exec

I can see in the documentation for libertine-container-manager (that's libertine-container-manager -- help) That the exec option should be able to execute an arbitrary command.

I can't however get it to do anything other than spew python warnings at me ( Can't convert NoneType to str ). I have tried the following:

libertine-container-manager exec setxkb dk dvorak
libertine-container-manager exec "setxkb dk dvorak"
libertine-container-manager exec="setxkb dk dvorak"
echo "setxkb dk dvorak" | libertine-container-manager exec

None of these gave the desired result (or anything not resulting in an error really)

I'm on Ubuntu touch on an M10 that is not remounted rw.


libertine-container-manager exec -i container-id -c "setxkb dk dvorak"

or any ways -c "and the command you want to run"

As Larry Price answered in there, the preferable way is to use libertine-launch my-container somecmd or libertine-launch --id my-container somecmd for modern distro (16.10) instead of libertine-container-manager exec... See manual for libertine-launch in a Libertine container. Note, that libertine-launch.. and libertine-container-manager exec.. have some difference when binding directories in user environment.