Redirect All URL to SSL, Except for X
I run NGINX on Vesta CP. There are two separate files nginx.conf
and snginx.conf
. Each has a server block in it. I redirect entire sites to SSL. To do this I add a return 301$request_uri;
to the nginx.conf
, and then I fully configure the sningx.conf
for caching and location blocks and everything else.
I do have one domain which is partial SSL/non-SSL. In these files I for not 301, but instead I 301 a location block, like this:
location ~ ^/(wp-login.php|wp-admin|wp-login|shop|product|my-account|checkout-2|order-pay|order-received|add-payment-method|cart) {
return 301$request_uri;}
And in the SSL block I exclude:
location ~ ^(?!/(wp-login.php|wp-admin|wp-login|shop|product|my-account|checkout-2|order-pay|order-received|add-payment-method|cart)) {
return 301$request_uri;}
I have a need to have one URL available on both SSL and non-SSL, with everything else on SSL. This url is the sitemap. So both of these would work:
But any other URL would only be on SSL. With my above previous redirect method, I can point a URL at HTTP or Exclude it for HTTPS, but not both.
Solution 1:
Your https server block should not redirect anything to http, as you don't need that in this situation.
Your http server block should redirect everything, except the URL in question:
server {
listen [::]:80;
listen 80;
root /srv/www/;
location = /sitemap_index.xml {
try_files $uri =404;
location / {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri$is_args$args;