CXF 2.4.2: No conduit initiator was found for the namespace

Solution 1:

Like recommended by the old posts, this is solved by adding cxf-rt-transports-http-jetty into the mix.

Solution 2:

This error can be produced by invalid url format on client. For example, if you use http transport, you should define "http://localhost:8080/services/{smth}" url. And if you define "localhost:8080/services/{smth}" without http prefix - you receive such an error.

Solution 3:

I was also facing the same issue. Through IntelliJ everything was working fine but maven surefire was throwing up error. And finally found the answer. Here it is:

Basically the cxf libraries each supply a META-INF/cxf/bus-extensions.txt file and the default behavior of the packager is to replace that file, causing it to be incomplete. By configuring the shader to append instead of replace the cxf stuff will behave correctly.

Add this to your build section of your pom in the plugins section:

            <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">

Solution 4:

Did you put the cxf-rt-binding-soap-2.4.x.jar into your class path?