phpmyadmin fail2ban failed login log

Solution 1:

  1. Edit /etc/phpmyadmin/ file and add something similar to:

$cfg['AuthLog'] = '/tmp/phpmyadmin.log';
  1. Check it out:
tail -F /tmp/phpmyadmin.log
  1. Perform a bad login in your phpmyadmin. Expected output similar to:
Jan 19 09:20:00 phpmyadmin: user denied: sfsd (mysql-denied) from

If your phpmyadmin server is behind a reverse proxy and its private IP address is you probably want to log the public IP address of the client, so step 1 should be:


$cfg['AuthLog'] = '/tmp/phpmyadmin.log';
$cfg['TrustedProxies'] = array('' => 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');

Please bear in mind that the user running your phpmyadmin (typically www-data) should have write access to file and parent dir defined in $cfg['AuthLog'] variable name