How to speed up really slow boot on Ubuntu 16.04?

I am trying to understand what I need to do to speed up my boot with Ubuntu 16.04. I have run dmesg and saved the output here. It all seems to go wrong after about 10 secs in.

Solution 1:

You can try to find out what is taking the most time with systemd

systemd-analyze blame

Solution 2:

Editing /etc/fstab's UUID of the swap space (to match the output of sudo blkid) worked like a charm!

Note: After that, if there are any swap entries in /etc/crypttab file, you should change its second parameter to match with your swap space, either by UUID or path (i.e. UUID=something or /path/to/swap).

On my SSD the bootup went from 2 mins down to less than 10 seconds.

The thing is, I just did a normal upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04, no messing around with partitions, when this problem started. Clearly there is some issues with the upgrade procedure.