How can I add items to Xfce root menu?

I'd like to add some items to my Xfce "root menu", see picture for location:

enter image description here

Searching the web gave a couple of possibilities (different XML files etc), but it appears that Xubuntu has customized it quite a bit. Maybe I just overlooked the settings? I also tried LXmenueditor, which does not access the root menus.

Where is the location of the configs for Xubuntu? Would it be possible to get stock-Xfce right click-on-desktop functionality without breaking anything? By that I mean: right click on desktop and have the Xfce menu instead of going through Xubuntu's submenu to access it.

Thanks for your time!

Solution 1:

versions 11.04 - 13.10

enter image description here

As the picture shows - "test" is a root menu which has been added.

To do this will require a couple of folders to be created:

mkdir -p ~/.config/menus
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/applications

Next copy the standard menu template file into the local menus folder

cp /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/menus/* ~/.config/menus

Note - the stock XFCE menu could also be used - I prefer this menu so I've used it in my example:

cp /etc/xdg/menus/* ~/.config/menus

Now create our test menu - its in .desktop file-format

leafpad ~/.local/share/applications/test.desktop

copy and paste the following:

[Desktop Entry]

The important bit is the last line - it must have X-Xfce-Toplevel as a category

Edit our custom menu:

leafpad ~/.config/menus/

Add a new entry as shown:

enter image description here

Finally - lets use the custom menu file:

Right click Start and choose properties:

enter image description here

Choose the custom menu option and navigate and select the custom menu file ~/.config/menus/

enter image description here

Solution 2:

If you're using 4.10 or 4.12, then you can edit the Menu using alacarte (screenshot) or menulibre.

enter image description here

You may also have a more dynamic menu experience if you were using xfce4-whiskermenu.

See also:

  • How can I add and change items in my Applications Menu?
  • How can I have a dash-like search under Xfce?