How to use touchscreen to draw?

Solution 1:

First install touchegg:

sudo apt-get install touchegg

Install the dependencies for the GUI tool (for TouchEgg) using this command

sudo apt-get install build-essential libqt4-dev libx11-6 libx11-dev

Download the GUI touchegg-gce from GitHub. Then:

  1. Change to the directory holding the .zip file.
  2. Issue the command unzip to extract the file.
  3. Change into the Touchegg-gce-master folder.
  4. Issue the command qmake
  5. Issue the command make
  6. Copy the touchegg-gce file to /usr/bin

Source: How to Configure a Touchscreen on Linux

Under "Touchegg" it shows you how to configure the program, maybe this'll allow you to draw on your touchscreen. I am sorry I am unable to help further as I don't know much about this program.