Download games from steam to another drive

I'm having a little trouble to get Max Payne 3 installed on my pc. The trouble is that I have only 20 gb of free space left on my ssd where my steam is installed, and there is no way for me to create extra room. Now the Max Payne 3 game is about 30gb in size. But because it is so big, there is no way for me to download the game. What i would usually do is download the game and then cut and paste it to my other drive and make a symlink.

But because there is no way for me to download the game I can't do that. Is there a way for me to trick steam into thinking that it is installing/downloading the game on my ssd while it is actually doing that to the other drive?

I don't know when this changed, but now you can download games to another drive with ease in 3 easy steps.

  1. Open your steam settings, go to downloads + clouds and click on Steam library folders
  2. Click on add library folder and add a new folder on a different drive
  3. Install the game, and right before change the folder you want to install it to

Added pictures for your comfort: Steam librarySteam install

I'm assuming you have a SSD with OS install, etc. and a larger, spinning hard disk. I have a similar set up myself. The solution should work regardless.

You can create a directory junction using the process described at:

I would suggest making the steamapps directory itself a directory junction to your larger hard drive/partition.

For the games you feel absolutely must be on the SSD, simply move them to a separate folder on the SSD and create a second link for that from the "new" steamapps directory on your spinning disk.

You can move games easily with certain programs.

If you are using windows Vista or higher, Steam Mover works great. This way you can have one steam folder and create Microsoft's version of symbolic links (Junctions).

I tested this with steam and whether the drive is attached or not, it did not try re-download the games. When the drive is disconnected it just says "Cannot find executable." Then you just plug in your external HDD and all works well and games update.

Game Save Manager also works well, it has many more features, but I like it simple.

It creates some sort of shortcut (I don't know if it is a symbolic link) but Steam responded the same as above.

The app can also sync your gamesaves to a cloud server or a local drive (and possibly to a network drive).

well... you could transfer yous steam entirely to the other driver, just save your steamapps folder, unninstal steam and reinstal it on the other driver, download a small f2p game (realm of the mad god for example) in order to create all the default folders, and put your old steamapps folder on it, the game will be on the new driver so your downloads will go there by default and you'll have all your already downloaded games.