Display open transactions in MySQL

I did some queries without a commit. Then the application was stopped.

How can I display these open transactions and commit or cancel them?

How can I display these open transactions and commit or cancel them?

There is no open transaction, MySQL will rollback the transaction upon disconnect.
You cannot commit the transaction (IFAIK).

You display threads using


See: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/thread-information.html

It will not help you, because you cannot commit a transaction from a broken connection.

What happens when a connection breaks
From the MySQL docs: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-tips.html Disabling mysql Auto-Reconnect

If the mysql client loses its connection to the server while sending a statement, it immediately and automatically tries to reconnect once to the server and send the statement again. However, even if mysql succeeds in reconnecting, your first connection has ended and all your previous session objects and settings are lost: temporary tables, the autocommit mode, and user-defined and session variables. Also, any current transaction rolls back.

This behavior may be dangerous for you, as in the following example where the server was shut down and restarted between the first and second statements without you knowing it:

Also see: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/auto-reconnect.html

How to diagnose and fix this
To check for auto-reconnection:

If an automatic reconnection does occur (for example, as a result of calling mysql_ping()), there is no explicit indication of it. To check for reconnection, call mysql_thread_id() to get the original connection identifier before calling mysql_ping(), then call mysql_thread_id() again to see whether the identifier has changed.

Make sure you keep your last query (transaction) in the client so that you can resubmit it if need be.
And disable auto-reconnect mode, because that is dangerous, implement your own reconnect instead, so that you know when a drop occurs and you can resubmit that query.

Although there won't be any remaining transaction in the case, as @Johan said, you can see the current transaction list in InnoDB with the query below if you want.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.innodb_trx\G

From the document:

The INNODB_TRX table contains information about every transaction (excluding read-only transactions) currently executing inside InnoDB, including whether the transaction is waiting for a lock, when the transaction started, and the SQL statement the transaction is executing, if any.

You can use show innodb status (or show engine innodb status for newer versions of mysql) to get a list of all the actions currently pending inside the InnoDB engine. Buried in the wall of output will be the transactions, and what internal process ID they're running under.

You won't be able to force a commit or rollback of those transactions, but you CAN kill the MySQL process running them, which does essentially boil down to a rollback. It kills the processes' connection and causes MySQL to clean up the mess its left.

Here's what you'd want to look for:

Trx id counter 0 140151
Purge done for trx's n:o < 0 134992 undo n:o < 0 0
History list length 10
---TRANSACTION 0 0, not started, process no 17004, OS thread id 140621902116624
MySQL thread id 10594, query id 10269885 localhost marc
show innodb status

In this case, there's just one connection to the InnoDB engine right now (my login, running the show query). If that line were an actual connection/stuck transaction you'd want to terminate, you'd then do a kill 10594.

By using this query you can see all open transactions.

List All:


if you want to kill a hang transaction copy transaction id and kill transaction by using this command:

KILL <id>    // e.g KILL 16543