grep using a character vector with multiple patterns

I am trying to use grep to test whether a vector of strings are present in an another vector or not, and to output the values that are present (the matching patterns).

I have a data frame like this:

FirstName Letter   
Alex      A1
Alex      A6
Alex      A7
Bob       A1
Chris     A9
Chris     A6

I have a vector of strings patterns to be found in the "Letter" columns, for example: c("A1", "A9", "A6").

I would like to check whether the any of the strings in the pattern vector is present in the "Letter" column. If they are, I would like the output of unique values.

The problem is, I don't know how to use grep with multiple patterns. I tried:

matches <- unique (
    grep("A1| A9 | A6", myfile$Letter, value=TRUE, fixed=TRUE)

But it gives me 0 matches which is not true, any suggestions?

Solution 1:

In addition to @Marek's comment about not including fixed==TRUE, you also need to not have the spaces in your regular expression. It should be "A1|A9|A6".

You also mention that there are lots of patterns. Assuming that they are in a vector

toMatch <- c("A1", "A9", "A6")

Then you can create your regular expression directly using paste and collapse = "|".

matches <- unique (grep(paste(toMatch,collapse="|"), 
                        myfile$Letter, value=TRUE))

Solution 2:

Good answers, however don't forget about filter() from dplyr:

patterns <- c("A1", "A9", "A6")
  FirstName Letter
1      Alex     A1
2      Alex     A6
3      Alex     A7
4       Bob     A1
5     Chris     A9
6     Chris     A6

result <- filter(your_df, grepl(paste(patterns, collapse="|"), Letter))

  FirstName Letter
1      Alex     A1
2      Alex     A6
3       Bob     A1
4     Chris     A9
5     Chris     A6